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That PinA Podcast

Play, Perception and Place revisited

Readings from Sarah Doyle, Vanessa Lampert, Samatar Elmi and Stephen Payne, and introducing our Festival Artist, Arjuna Gunarathne. Hosted by Paul Stephenson and Patricia Debney. Recorded in 2021.


Messing About and Crossing Out

What is the mind, if not a trickster?  And what is the body if not a con-artist? Four poets read from new collections which spotlight invention and fantasy, drag and erasure. With Chrissy Williams, Katie Griffiths, James McDermott and Jon Stone. Hosted by Jane Commane. Recorded in 2021.

Guillemot Press Poets on Poetry and Collaboration

What synergies can be created when poets work with others, particularly across disciplines? Join four poets from Guillemot Press, who in 2021 celebrated writing and working together to produce two stand out titles. Sea Change, by Phoebe Power and Katrina Porteous and Marsh-River-Raft-Feather, by Petero Kalulé and Clarissa Álvarez. Hosted by Paul Stephenson. Recorded in 2021.

On Poetry and Trauma

So many experiences of sexual abuse and trauma are silenced. How do we find the voices to speak about what is hidden, or secret? How does poetry emerge, and what does it sound like? Where do we go from here? With readings from Chaucer Cameron, Day Mattar, Tessa Foley and Alice Hiller. Hosted by Patricia Debney.  Recorded in 2021.

Script, Shape and Image - the Poem and the Page

How do form and image – what is on the page, and what is not – shape poetry? How can they be used to speak about otherwise difficult things? The three projects explored in this session move between image, script, and shape as ways of reaching their material. With Jo Morris Dixon, Shash Trevett, Lisa Kelly, Harry Man and Endre Ruset and featuring our Artist in Residence, Arjuna Gunarathne. Hosted by Patricia Debney. Recorded in 2021.


Established in 2016, Poetry in Aldeburgh aims to promote and support poetry to benefit the local community and the east of England. We hope to provide a welcoming and accessible environment for readings, performances, writing workshops and other activities.

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